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TAY Religious School '24-'25

Logged in members are able to bill their account and set up monthly payment plans.  Please click 'Login' at the top right of the screen. For assistance with your ShulCloud account, please contact the Temple Office at
Parent/Guardian 1 (P/G1)
Parent/Guardian 1 (P/G1)
Parent/Guardian 2 (P/G2)
Parent/Guardian 2 (P/G2)
P/G2 if different from above
P/G2 if different from above
P/G2 if different from above
P/G2 if different from above
Important communication will occur by email.  Please indicate which email(s) to use when sending information related to Religious School.
First & Last Name and Phone Number
*Other than a parent
First & Last Name and Phone Number
*Other than a parent

Student 1
Student 1
Student 1
If applicable
Student 1
• Does your child have any special learning needs/situations? 
• Does your child have an IEP or 504 Plan at their school?  If yes, please explain.
• Does your child have any health concerns? Including allergies, medications, etc.?
• Additional Concerns? Please feel free to contact the Religious School Director to discuss.
Student 2
Student 2
Student 2
If applicable
Student 2
• Does your child have any special learning needs/situations? 
• Does your child have an IEP or 504 Plan at their school?  If yes, please explain.
• Does your child have any health concerns? Including allergies, medications, etc.?
• Additional Concerns? Please feel free to contact the Religious School Director to discuss.
Student 3
Student 3
Student 3
If applicable
Student 3
• Does your child have any special learning needs/situations? 
• Does your child have an IEP or 504 Plan at their school?  If yes, please explain.
• Does your child have any health concerns? Including allergies, medications, etc.?
• Additional Concerns? Please feel free to contact the Religious School Director to discuss.
(younger and older; not in Religious School)

Media Permissions
I/We give permission for my/our child's photo and/or name to be used in Temple Adath Yeshurun publicity, newsletters, and the Jewish Observer.
I/We give permission for my/our child's photo to be used on our website and/or social media.  

Temple Adath Yeshurun is committed to make it possible for every child to attend Religious School.  Thus we have a policy to offer special consideration for pressing financial circumstances.  Furthermore, the Religious School works in close cooperation with the membership committee and together we make it possible and feasible for families to become members of Temple Adath Yeshurun.
   PreK-Gr 2 - $325.00
   Gr 3 - Gr 8 - $765.00Grades PreK-2 (Sundays at TAY Only)
Grades 3-8 (Sundays at TAY; Wednesdays at SCHS)
If you would like to request financial assistance, please check this box and we will reach out to you.  Do not select enrollment quantities to the left if you are requesting financial assistance.
If you are able and willing to contribute beyond what is reflected in your selections, we welcome you to do so.  Every contribution is deeply appreciated.  Please list the amount you wish to contribute.  Contributions will be used to support those in need of financial assistance for tuition, and Religious School expenses and operational costs.
Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785